This is a photo of one of our hamsters.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nice day today!

First, I saw my therapist (yes, I see a therapist...for depression, anxiety, and some OCD) and she reminded me that I need to make myself take fifth- and sixth-grade sub jobs even though I know I don't remember everything and I'm afraid of looking stupid. (Don't I always try to tell the kids I *do* sub that there's no stupid question?? Physican, heal thyself!) Anyway, I subbed a great GT third-grade class after we were through. They were so well-behaved, helpful, and attentive. I was so pleased.

When I got home, I pushed myself out the door to take a 40 minute walk. I got to pet a few neighborhood dogs and chat with a boy who goes to my daughter's school. It was a lovely day. I just had to try to side-step the lawnmowers (because of my allergies). No job for tomorrow yet. I certainly could use the time to work on my paper if nothing comes through...

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