This is a photo of one of our hamsters.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I love subbing music!

I had such a wonderful time with the kids today. I subbed music at an elementary school. I have some experience with music: I was in chorus and a select singing group in jr. high, sang in chorus, choir, Madrigals, and some musicals in high school, took voice lessons in high school and in my early 20's, sang in a musical in college, and I sang with a community singing group later on - not to mention that I spent many days as a child singing along to records with my favorite singer, Julie Andrews. So any day that I get to sing is a good day for me!

Some of the kids were rehearsing their musicals today, so I enjoyed that best of all. They were a bit rowdy in-between numbers, but I loved the music and I was impressed by the kids who took it seriously, knew the lyrics, sang out, and seemed to really enjoy what they were doing. Some of the soloists had very, very nice voices, too. I enjoyed listening to them. The music was catchy and exhuberant. Working with the kids on their music was delightful!

I enjoyed the rest of the day, too, though - singing along (and laughing) to a Raffi sing-along video with some of the kids, playing some music games, teaching the kids a new song, etc. During my lunch break, I popped in my Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers cd and I was in seventh heaven! You just can't argue with a day like that! :-)

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